Name Tags: You are… Dinner Guests
A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. At the time of the banquet, he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, ‘Come, for everything is now ready.’
But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, ‘I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me.’
Another said, ‘I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I’m on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.’
Still another said, ‘I just got married, so I can’t come.’
The servant came back and reported this to his master. Then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame.’
Luke 14:16-21 (NIV)
If our upcoming meeting with Jesus may be compared to a wondrous banquet (because it is many times in His Word), then we must learn from the Lord's Parables…
Both the DO and DO-NOT-DO behaviors–that we may enjoy the celebration to the glorious end our Host intends.
Actors, models, and talent for Christ:
The Lessons your Teacher is teaching YOU (about becoming proper dinner guests) aren’t simply to improve your social life (but it may become a fringe benefit:)
These rules have life-or-death consequences for those who self-identify as saints:
When you take the low place or the low seat, you’re living and showing humility, which elevates your standing under God.*
Fasting also helps you humble yourself, which moves you deeper in Spirit with God. Jesus DID say His disciples would fast.**
The next three stories are about end times (certainly, our own, but Earth’s end time, too)... and some disastrous mistakes to avoid.
The five foolish virgins represent saints, who may attend church and follow church rules, but aren't fully fueled in God’s Spirit.***
The wedding feast guests may be Christians who get preoccupied with themselves– and forget the real Lord of their lives.****
The guest who wasn’t wearing the right clothes was not a true follower of Jesus. Therefore, he wasn't clothed in righteousness.****
The guests who gave excuses not to come… are saints who put work time over God-time, and expect Him to pardon their bad choice.*****
One TERRIBLY unexpected result: The Lord MAY REPLACE insincere Christians… with strangers and outcasts churches have scorned. God’s invitations are now in our hands!
Name Tags: You Are… Dinner Guests (Part 30)
* Parable: Luke 14:7-11 NKJV - Take the Lowly Place - So He told a - Bible Gateway
** Parable: Friends of the Bridegroom Fasting: Matthew 9:15 - New King James Version
*** Parable: The Wise and Foolish Virgins:
**** Parable: Matthew 22:1-14 NKJV - The Parable of the Wedding Feast - And - Bible Gateway
***** Parable: The Great Supper: Luke 14:15-24 NKJV - The Parable of the Great Supper - Now - Bible Gateway
NOTE: God is my Ghostwriter. If what I write is good, it’s from God. You may see notes to 'Actors, Models & Talent for Christ.' If you think you're not in show business, think again. Shakespeare said, 'All the world's a stage and all its men and women merely players.’ Mostly true. But you're not merely players. You are messengers and ambassadors for the King of kings.