The Bread Of Life: Food For Thought

Then He said to them, 'Suppose one of you has a friend, and goes to him at midnight and says to him, 'Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine has come to me from a journey, and I have nothing to set before him;' and from inside he answers and says, 'Do not bother me; the door has already been shut and my children and I are in bed; I cannot get up and give you anything.' I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs.'

Luke 11:5-8 (NASB)

Consider the Lord’s Word regarding bread:

Bread represents life: 'They seek bread; They have given their valuables for food to restore life' (Lamentations 1:11). But bread without Spirit can’t sustain life: 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the Mouth of God' (Matthew 4:4).

Consider God’s Word regarding Himself:

God lives in His Word: 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God' (John 1:1). Jesus became the Word’s Embodiment: 'And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us' (John 1:14).

In this light, Jesus is 'The Bread of Life' (John 6:35) and 'The Word' of God. He is 'The Living Bread which came down from Heaven' (John 6:51).

Consider this interpretation of The Parable of the Friend at Midnight:

God, the Bread Giver, is in bed (Heaven) with His beloved children (sleeping saints). He has friends on Earth (His Son’s disciples) not yet ‘asleep’ but alive in Heaven.

Every day He feeds His disciples Bread (the Body of Christ, His Spirit, and strength), but He supplies It on a day-by-day, prayer-by-prayer request-made basis.

In this Parable, one such disciple sees an unsaved friend at midnight (meaning end times, the end of his friend's time… or possibly in his friend's darkest hour).

The disciple knows his friend needs Jesus, so He persistently knocks on God's door (through steadfast, intercessory prayer).

At first, God doesn't seem to answer him... but with his repeated knocking (praying), He gives Himself to the disciple's friend.

'Today salvation has come to this house' (Luke 19:9).

The Bread Of Life: Food For Thought (Part 8)

NOTE: This is a 2023 update of a 2013 Carey Lewis Devotion. You may see notes to 'Actors, Models & Talent for Christ.' If you think you're not in show business, think again. Shakespeare said, 'All the world's a stage and all its men and women merely players. Mostly true. But you're not merely players. You are messengers and ambassadors for the King of kings.

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