12 Steps To Heaven: Psalm 15
Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle?
Who may dwell in Your holy hill?
He who walks uprightly,
And works righteousness,
And speaks the truth in his heart;
He who does not backbite with his tongue,
Nor does evil to his neighbor,
Nor does he take up a reproach against his friend;
In whose eyes a vile person is despised,
But he honors those who fear the Lord;
He who swears to his own hurt and does not change;
He who does not put out his money at usury,
Nor does he take a bribe against the innocent.
He who does these things shall never be moved.
Psalm 15 (NKJV)
David was a man after God’s Own Heart. His story spans 4 Old Testament Books.* In His Psalms, King David reveals his heart: both his devotion and heart-breaking pain.
Psalm 15 highlights 12 steps to Heaven.** It’s a simple list of Do’s and Do Not’s: a godly map to where we want to go and where we want to live: namely, HEAVEN!
With and through Jesus,
Now and forever.
Actors, models, and talent for Christ. These steps don’t preclude your Great Commission of shining God’s Light within media.
These 12 steps provide your navigation, which in turn provides your security.
12 Steps To Heaven: Psalm 15 (Part 1)
* King David is mentioned 1,141 times in the Bible. The main place that the story of David is told is in the Books of Samuel. Also 1st and 2nd Chronicles. All told, 54 chapters of the Bible refer to King David.
(NOTE: In God’s Word, 12 is thought to symbolize power, authority, and completion. Even today, in various contexts, we’re all familiar with 12-step programs.)
NOTE: God is my Ghostwriter. If what I write is good, it’s from God. You may see notes to 'Actors, Models & Talent for Christ.' If you think you're not in show business, think again. Shakespeare said, 'All the world's a stage and all its men and women merely players. Mostly true. But you're not merely players. You are messengers and ambassadors for the King of kings. Parts of this series are edits of a prior Carey Lewis Devotion series, first published in 2014.