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Inspiration for the Media Generation

Virtual Consulting

Have you even thought, "If I could just get my personal questions answered by a pro, it would make all the difference..."? In 2018, Carey is making the time to do just that. Gather your questions and schedule a session.

Have you even thought, "If I could just get my personal questions answered by a pro, it would make all the difference..."? In 2018, Carey is making the time to do just that. Gather your questions and schedule a session.

Virtual consultations allow performers the opportunity for small group counseling, without the time and expense of travel. "It's my calling to help God's future stars move forward successfully," says Carey.

Virtual consultations allow performers the opportunity for small group counseling, without the time and expense of travel. "It's my calling to help God's future stars move forward successfully," says Carey.

I was new in the entertainment industry when I met Carey. Her wisdom and humility gave me the courage to continue. Carey was the first one to see the field for what it is: a mission, a need and a golden opportunity. She’s helped thousand of performers use their talents without selling out… but instead, staying focused on Jesus.
— Dana Longpre, Christian Talent Developer
Without you, it would have taken me 10 years to NEVER be where I am.
— Nicci Hejnar, Performer
I can’t thank you enough. What you did for my daughter… She’s a brand new little girl. You gave her the courage and confidence to follow the path God made for her.
— Naomi Fluck
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It's time to stand up and be counted...

"It's my passion to help God's new stars rise safely, wisely and effectively."


With over 4 decades of talent development experience, Carey is a treasure chest of knowledge. From her mother's modeling and finishing schools (1960 - present day), to AMTC, the company she co-founded (1982 - 2017), Carey has witnessed stars who "make it," stars who "fall" - and stars who never realize their potential.

Perhaps the most unusual part of Carey's background is her late-in-life commitment to Christ. Even so, the timing of her conversion is a remarkable business asset. Because her long-term connections in mainstream talent are now used to help faith-based performers rise... in ways they didn't or couldn't before.

Through individual counseling and virtual small groups, Carey helps future stars gain access to life-changing information others learn only through trial and error. With today's revelations of sexual misconduct in the entertainment industry, a solid foundation of wisdom and knowledge is essential.

Both performers and their loved one (parents, spouses or friends) are invited into consultations together. Because family should be involved every step of the way. The time has never been better or more urgent to for God's heroes to rise, shine and glorify Him.


Consultation Topics Include...

  • 40 (or) 100-Point Talent Marketability Assessment

  • Establishing Your Godly & Industry Goals

  • The "7-Secrets-Of-Talent-Success" Applied To You

  • Identifying Your Strengths & Areas For Improvement

  • Perfecting Your Brand

  • The Best Role for Parents & Spouses

  • Most Common Industry Mistakes: How To Spot Scams

  • Establishing Your Boundaries As A Performer

  • Things To Do & Never To Do

  • How To Succeed In Mainstream And/Or Faith-Based Media

  • Your Personal Q's Answered


"We will never forget your advice and everything you did, even when I didn’t want to let my baby go. We will be forever grateful."

Irina Garcia-Gardner, mom of Xiara Waller, top fashion model


"I was ready to give up before I spoke with you. You were bold and firm and practical. I needed to hear what you had to say. You spoke life to me and I am so grateful. "

Amy Alvarez, AMTC/SHINE Grad