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Inspiration for the Media Generation

“God didn’t tell us
to condemn entertainment.
He said to light it up.”
-Carey Lewis, Author & Speaker

Culturally Relevant, Heart Searching Inspiration That Challenges The Status Quo

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speaker, Writer, Talent Mentor For Aspiring Artists

Winner of a "Lifetime Achievement Award" at The Cry Hollywood for her work with faith-based performers, Carey is a frequent guest speaker at conferences, events and churches. From her late-in-life conversion to Christ to four decades of success in the entertainment industry, Carey brings to light God's purpose in media and how every believer has a role to play.


Are you destined to be an influencer?

Media is a Fast Track

The Focus of Carey Lewis Devotions is God. But it's also a mandate to raise a new generation of action stars – in entertainment, business, schools, communities, and churches; God's performers are called to be the light of the world, a city set on a hill...

If you're living in the 21st century, media was made for your entrance. Your destiny is to be an influencer: to know your purpose, to multiply your talents, to become role models...  and ultimately, to offer millions of seeking hearts a real Hero to follow.

"Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"

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A time when communication technology (media) connects the entire earth…

The entertainment industry is the most influential field on earth. Harm has come from negative messaging. So why did God allow its massive construction? For His purposes! For His glory! For His Own stars to rise and shine like never before.


A time when finesse & faith team up, making you wise and gentle…

Christ's advice to His disciples in Matthew 10:16 applies today. Go into the world. Meet culture head-on. Be savvy. Be excellent. Be disciplined. Learn the ways of the field you're entering. Make friends with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control!


A time when true stars understand that fame is a gift and a responsibility...

The #1 desire of children today is to "be famous." Kids follow their favorite stars with a great desire to copy them: to dress, act and be like them. Undeniably, fans need to see good role models and positive examples. To whom much is given, much is required.


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A time when believers show themselves as diverse, relevant & relatable...

Because lots of people have the wrong idea about Jesus, based on haters who call themselves Christians - but they don’t act like Him. Actors, models and talent for Christ are rising throughout the entertainment industry. They rise in love, not judgment, because that’s what Jesus did!

Christ’s Work Is Less A Crusade Against Evil, Than An Assertion Of Good By Precept And Example, As The Surest Means In The End Of Removing Evil...
— Reverend Marvin Vincent, 1866
Carey!  God Is Working Through You And Your Writing. You Have Set Me On Fire Today!
— Melinda Rothfus
Thank you for your vision and leadership. You gave an outcast like me a family of fellow artists and believers to turn to when the journey gets lonely. I will be forever grateful.
— Adrian Valdez
You provided a safe place for my daughter to SHINE. We grew in our relationship with each other and Christ. Today, we are brave enough to strive for a platform to use to tell our miraculous testimonies.
— Dede Kolb
My life has changed and I know my purpose here on this earth. Thank you, Carey, for seeing in me what I didn’t see in myself.
— Kimberland Thylan